Pastor Josh has moved to a new website:

The daily devotionals will continue, but the site will also have posts of a more reflective nature.

Check it out!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Luke 8: 16-18; A Lamp on a Stand

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are to let our light shine. Jesus is supposed to shine out of us so that the world around us might see that light and be drawn into a life of faith in Jesus Christ. I think this concept is a helpful reminder that our actions speak just as loud as our words. We are under the eyes of our neighbors. They are watching us to see how we live our lives. Our lives should be lived in such a way that they want to live the same life. Let us, therefore, live as though Christ is in us. Let us shine Christ out of our hearts so others will find their way to him. God bless you.

Pastor Josh

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