Pastor Josh has moved to a new website:

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Luke 6: 27-38; Love for Enemies

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is probably one of the most difficult commands of Jesus. Love your friends and family is easy. That is what we do; we love the people who are important to us. But to love our enemies is something very different. What makes it hard is the detail Jesus goes into here: if someone strikes you..., if someone steals your tunic..., if someone mistreats you..., etc. These are the kinds of things that make it very hard to love someone; when they have actively done something to try and hurt you. But Jesus tells us that we should love our enemies as God has loved us. We have all done things God doesn't like. But God still loves us. He loves us so much he was willing to send his one and only son into this world to give us life and forgiveness. Sometimes it is a struggle for us to love those who have mistreated us. When we do struggle with that, let us all remember the amazing love God has for us. God bless,

Pastor Josh

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