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Friday, January 18, 2008

Luke 5: 17-26; Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

"Who has the authority to forgive sins but God alone?" the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked as Jesus forgave the paralytic of his sins. That is a fair question, and the answer is no one. No one except God can forgive sins. This, friends, leaves us with only one possible thought: Jesus is God in the flesh. In John's gospel Jesus says "I and the Father are one." Isaiah prophesied that the name of the child to be born will be Immanuel, which means God With Us. In the person of Jesus Christ God came down and lived the life of a man. No more calling of prophets, no more sending people to try and get the world back on track. God says 'I am going down there myself.' And that is the good news of the gospel. God did not send someone, he came himself. God has graced the world with his actual physical presence. God came down and walked beside us. He came down to give us life, to forgive us of our sins, to be with us. Praise be to God for coming down and living the life of a man, a man named Jesus, in order that we might have life and forgiveness of sins through him. God bless,

Pastor Josh

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