Pastor Josh has moved to a new website:

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Isaiah 5: 8-30; Woes and Judgments

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the world, not of the world. That is the mantra of the Israelites. Or rather, it's supposed to be. They are supposed to live in the world; they are human. They have to look after their worldly bodies and concerns that go along with that. They must eat; they must drink; they must have a place to live. God also wants the Israelites to be happy, to enjoy life and all it brings. However, the Israelites are supposed to be of God. In other words, while they are to look after their worldly lives they are not supposed to be consumed by them. The Israelites are to refrain from building large houses; they are to refrain from drinking too much; they are too refrain, in short, from letting the world have too much influence in their lives. Now, here's the kicker: we are supposed to do the exact same thing. As children of God, as disciples of Christ, we are supposed to be in the world, but not of the world. God bless you.

Pastor Josh

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