Pastor Josh has moved to a new website:

The daily devotionals will continue, but the site will also have posts of a more reflective nature.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Luke 9: 57-62; The Cost of Following Jesus

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

This isn't always good news for us to hear; Jesus telling people to let the dead bury their own dead. We don't like to hear this because it sounds kind of heartless and we are not comfortable with a heartless Jesus. This passage does not show us a heartless Jesus. This passage shows us a committed Jesus; a Jesus who lets nothing, absolutely nothing, get in the way of his service to God; a Jesus who will allow no one else to allow anything to get in the way of service to God. We all have things standing in the way. For this man it is his dead father, for others it is something else. What is standing in your way? Whatever it is jump over it, knock it over, go around it; whatever it is make sure it's gone so that you can focus everything you have on the ministry of Christ. We are all called to go out and do the work of Christ, and we must let nothing stand in our way. God bless you,

Pastor Josh

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