Pastor Josh has moved to a new website:

The daily devotionals will continue, but the site will also have posts of a more reflective nature.

Check it out!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Luke 10: 38-42; At the Home of Martha and Mary

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are a busy culture. There is always something going on, someone to entertain, food to make, places to go, etc. We are always on the move, always doing something. In other words, we are like Martha. We get so busy doing things, preparing things, that we sometimes forget that Jesus is in our midst. We sometimes forget one of the greatest blessings of all, that Jesus is with us right now. We should all drop what we're doing and revel in the fact that Jesus is with us; let us celebrate the good news that we have Christ's presence in our lives. No matter how busy you are, do not forget that Jesus is in our midst. God bless you,

Pastor Josh

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