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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Isaiah 1: 1-31; A Rebellious Nation

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Israel had wandered off the path. Plain and simple. They were called to obedience; to follow every letter of the Law. This call was sealed in the Covenant God made with Abraham and renewed when the Law was given to Moses. In short, Israel was supposed to be perfectly obedient to the will of God. They failed to live up to that call. They became, as Isaiah says, a rebellious nation. They turned from God; the stopped following the commandments he had given. I think we all know where this path leads: Exile. Israel was punished by the loss of the Land God had given them. They felt that sting. Here Isaiah is warning them of that. But it is too late. The Israelites had their chance and now they are going to have to await God's judgment. It is not too late for us. We can always come to God. He will never close the door on us; ever. Through Jesus, through the New Covenant, we always have a chance with God. God bless you.

Pastor Josh

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