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Friday, February 12, 2010

Mark 2: 1-12; Jesus Heals a Paralytic

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

We must not forget the friends of this man who is healed. They, seeing the pain and suffering their friend is enduring, seek to help. They climb on the roof, with their friend in tow, and begin to 'unroof the roof.' The friends of the paralytic risk a lot here. First, they risk their own safety in going on a roof. And second, they risk the outrage of the owner of the house when they tear up the roof. The friends do all of this because they love their friend, the paralytic. We find here a model in friendship. We should be like the friends of the paralytic here and do anything, even up to risking ourselves, to help those in need. We should, like them, 'unroof a roof' to help someone. God bless you.

Pastor Josh

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