Pastor Josh has moved to a new website:

The daily devotionals will continue, but the site will also have posts of a more reflective nature.

Check it out!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mark 7: 1-23; Clean and Unclean

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus is telling us to be mindful here. We need to be mindful of what we do and say, and that those are the things that truly matter. The Pharisees believe it is what a person eats, or drinks, that makes them unclean. In other words, they believe, as Jesus says, it is what goes into a person that makes them unclean. However, we learn from Jesus that it is what comes out. It is what we say, what we do, even what we think that makes us 'unclean.' We can eat whatever we want, drink whatever we want, etc. but we need to remember the importance of what we say and do, and remember that those are things that matter most to God. God bless you.

Pastor Josh

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