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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Proverbs 1: 1-7; Purpose and Theme

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Proverbs is a book of 'one liners,' brief sayings that serve as instructions for us as we go through life and our journey of faith. It is the 'one liners' that we remember the easiest. They are short and catchy, which makes it easier for them to stick in our minds. As an example, we may not remember all the commandments Jesus gives, but we do remember the words of the Greatest Commandment. So it is with the book of Proverbs. In this book are brief words of wisdom, instruction, warning, etc. all of which are intended to help us in our relationship with God. As we begin this book I invite you to think about some of the things you have already learned: a one or two sentence phrase from a relative, friend, pastor, Jesus, etc. Search your mind and find those things you have been taught. Then use those sayings to increase your faith. God bless you.

Pastor Josh

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