Pastor Josh has moved to a new website:

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Psalm 12: 1-8

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

"The faithful have vanished from among men." When we look around the world sometimes we feel alone, for it sometimes seems there are not very many faithful people in the world. Let this be your hope: God still moves, and he still rules the world. We may lose people, evil may gain a foothold in the world. But at all times, and in all things, God is moving in the world. God has a plan for the world. It is not always easy for us to be a part, or witness, of that plan, but that is still our hope: that someday it will all come together. Someday God's plan will be revealed and fulfilled. And then, instead of feeling alone and forsaken, our hearts will rejoice with exceedingly great joy. It may not be easy to be in the world, being a part of God's plan, but hold fast. God is moving, and his plan will be fulfilled. God bless you.

Pastor Josh

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