Pastor Josh has moved to a new website:

The daily devotionals will continue, but the site will also have posts of a more reflective nature.

Check it out!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

James 5: 7-12; Patience in Suffering

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.

We as Christians have the comfort of knowing someday Christ will return. And when that happens all those who have been faithful to him will be taken to the kingdom of Heaven where we will live eternally in the presence of God. If that isn't enough to sustain us for our journey of faith then I don't know what is. Yes, things are hard here; impossibly hard sometimes. But we know that one day our Lord will come and take us to be with him. There will be an end to suffering, there will be an end to the hardships we sometimes endure. Let that be your strength; that someday we will live in the kingdom of Heaven where there will be only joy and peace. God bless you,

Pastor Josh

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